Alex Attias

Alex start­ed his Djing career in 1988, Lau­sanne – Switzer­land, play­ing house, jazz, funk and dis­co classics.

Through­out the late 80’s and ear­ly 90’s, he estab­lished him­self as one of Switzer­land’s top Dj’s run­ning his own suc­cess­ful week­ly nights The Jackal’s , being booked to play all over the world, and in return book­ing  Inter­na­tion­al Dj’s to play in Switzerland.

His discog­ra­phy includes sin­gles for labels such as Peo­ple, Ubiq­ui­ty, Ver­sa­tile, Neroli, Archive, Com­post Records as well as remix­ing Incog­ni­to, 4hero, Ennio Mor­ri­cone, Sun RA, Art Blakey, Roni Size, Lau­rent Gar­nier to name but a few.

After few years of col­lab­o­ra­tions, pro­duc­tions, remix­ing and and liv­ing in Lon­don , Alex returns to Switzer­land In 2004 to con­tin­ue his pro­duc­tions for Rush Hour, Plan­et E, Mule Elec­tron­ic, and a week­ly Sat­ur­day night radio show on the Swiss nation­al chan­nel RTS/Couleur 3, plus a month­ly Club night  Lil­ly­Good Par­ty!  invit­ing guests such as Zaf LoveVinyl, Phil Ash­er, Melik (Heart­beat Vinyl)…

At the moment Alex is work­ing on a com­pi­la­tion for BBE Records and mak­ing a col­lec­tion of sin­gles for his label Visions Record­ings.
Also with his broth­er Stephane they’re doing offi­cial re-edits only on vinyl as Lil­ly­Good Par­ty! the same name they use for their parties.

Alex djing com­bines a mix of tunes with the respect of his­to­ry of dance music and with the knowl­edge of a the dance floor, mix­ing clas­sics and less known deep tracks from soul to house, dis­co to afrobeat, jazz to Chica­go sounds.

Alex aim is to share good music to good peo­ple, spread  the good vibes, a have a good dance.


Stephane Attias

Stephane began DJing at the age of 16 in cre­at­ing a name for him­self as a pur­vey­or of soul, funk, hip-hop, house and dis­co clas­sics. He soon makes his mark on the Swiss under­ground club scene, host­ing var­i­ous nights and pri­vate func­tions, play­ing along­side local and inter­na­tion­al DJs. In 1993 he helped launch a dance show on Swiss nation­al radio RTS/Couleur 3, called Cool It Down, where he’s been mix­ing it up every Sun­day night.

1996 sees the release of First Step EP on his own Chic Records label, fol­lowed by Lis­ten Luv which earned much atten­tion from Jaz­zano­va, Rain­er Trü­by, and many oth­er DJs around the world. After that Stephane cre­ate dif­fer­ent project like River­plate or ATTIAS with his broth­er Alex.

Today, Stephane is busy pro­duc­ing his own mate­r­i­al. He also joined forces with his broth­er to pre­pare new project and releas­es for their records label Visions Record­ings and sub label Lil­ly­Good Party!
