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Onward International – Foot In The Door / Elbernita ‘Twinkie’ Clark – Awake O Zion

Onward International
– Foot In The Door

Elbernita ‘Twinkie’ Clark
– Awake O Zion


Lil­ly­Good Par­ty! Is a label focused on licenc­ing tracks that Alex and Stéphane play for years at their par­ties. The aim is to re-edit and revis­it those jams from soul to house, jazz to afro, boo­gie to tech­no and make us and peo­ple enjoy and smile on the dance­floor because those tunes are real­ly real­ly good :)!
Both tracks here are clas­sics dance­floors tunes, noth­ing rare, just favourite tunes that Alex and Stéphane play in their sets.

On the A side the Onward Inter­na­tion­al ver­sion is longer than the orig­i­nal and the arrange­ment qui­et dif­fer­ent for more intense dance­floor action. Both Alex and Stéphane worked on the edit to find the right bal­ance and the right sound in order to revis­it the UK clas­sic jazz funk num­ber, a firm favourite here @ LIllyGood !

The B side is an amaz­ing dis­co mod­ern soul gospel track from Elber­ni­ta ‘Twinkie’ Clark already reis­sued some time ago, but the cher­ry on the cake is that you have here a 12” ver­sion extend­ed and a new mas­ter­ing for extra loud play! This ver­sion is slight­ly dif­fer­ent than the orig­i­nal, Alex extend­ed parts: the begin­ning with drum intro looped for mix­ing and changed the end to make it longer keep­ing the orig­i­nal flavour.

Please enjoy as much as we do, because we love those edits, we love those tunes, we love Music! We are very hap­py to share with you these lim­it­ed vinyls releases!

  1. Foot In The Door Onward Inter­na­tion­al 1:42
  2. Awake O Zion Elber­ni­ta ‘Twinkie’ Clark 1:42