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Anthony Nicholson – Confessions-Reflection (Feat. William Kurk) (Miquifaye Dirty Soul Mix) – Azimuth (Suite №1)

Anthony Nicholson
– Confessions-Reflection
(Feat. William Kurk)
(Miquifaye Dirty Soul Mix)
– Azimuth (Suite №1)


Visions open mind and wide vision returns here with their 15th release con­tin­u­ing their jour­ney into the world of elec­tron­ic dance music.

Antho­ny Nichol­son Chica­go deep house mae­stro deliv­ers here two amaz­ing soul­ful deep house tracks for the label.

On the A‑side Antho­ny and William Kurk have pro­duced a beau­ti­ful soul­ful vocal track mix­ing lush pads Rhodes and deep vocals sus­tained by a sol­id house beat.
This is a sub­lime jour­ney into a soft and beau­ti­ful Chica­go deep house jam that we fell in love instan­ta­ne­ly with and want­ed to share it with the music lovers and vinyl col­lec­tors. The B‑side is a jazz funk num­ber that rolls deep into Rhodes chords, moog leads and funky bas­se­line for an amaz­ing 8min dance-floor instru­men­tal bomb.

These two Chica­go slices of good­ness will find place in any dj bag for sure.