
Aleqs Notal – Doin’it – Slow Down Sonance

Aleqs Notal
– Doin’it
– Slow Down Sonance

 2.50 9.50

Ale­qs Notal is a DJ and pro­duc­er from Paris influ­enced by many styles of soul­ful music going from jazz to soul to dis­co and more. His pro­duc­tions are com­bin­ing Detroit and Chica­go sounds with a cer­tain approach and fas­ci­na­tion for per­cus­sions. His style is sub­tle, deep, intense and soul­ful. Besides becom­ing one of the most promis­ing artist in the elec­tron­ic dance music scene, Ale­qs’ DJ skills are just amaz­ing so catch him play­ing in the most famous clubs worldwide.

After releas­ing on the US Finale Ses­sion label in 2016, Ale­qs released one of his best work to date “Ascend­ing Nodes” in ear­ly 2017 on Patrice’s Scott Detroit label Sistrum. When we heard this EP, we fell in love with his sound and asked him if he want­ed to join the Visions sta­ble. The result is here and we LOVE it! Here you will get one track per side to get the max­i­mum sound qual­i­ty and space. Enjoy!

On the A side DOINIT is tak­ing you into a jour­ney into deep­ness, a spon­ta­neous con­ti­nu­ity of his lat­est work on Sistrum and ”Paris Lagos“ with per­cus­sions, Moog bass sounds, deep kick drum, pads – strings and sub­tle drum pro­gram­ming. A won­der­ful groove that makes you wan­na dance and let go ful­ly! And on the B side, SLOW DOWN SONANCE is anoth­er killer num­ber, so deep so pro­found so groovy it almost hurts. Lis­ten and dive into it!