This acronym stands for We Are The Enthu­si­as­tic Vinyl Addicts. It’s not a sub label of Visions Record­ings, but the name a group of good friends, music lovers, vinyls dig­gers, records col­lec­tors gave them­selves when they meet every now and then at one or the oth­er’s place with good wine and deli­cious food.

We share with each oth­er what­ev­er music we dig, just good sounds, killer grooves, whether they are valu­able records or not, just for the plea­sure of shar­ing, dis­cov­er­ing, re–discovering and enjoy­ing our passion.

To keep track of our active lis­ten­ing ses­sions, we had the idea to list the tracks in Youtube playlists (when avail­able), quick and easy. Ini­tial­ly intend­ed for our per­son­al use, here you have a pre­view of our selec­tions, so you can feel the vibe and be with us for a moment.