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Alex Attias & Luman Child – Cookie Monster

Alex Attias & Luman Child
– Cookie Monster
– What Do We Do

 3.00 9.50

This sin­gle is very spe­cial for Visions Record­ings, as the result of a fresh col­lab­o­ra­tion between Alex Attias and Luman Child, two Swiss artists reunit­ed for the first time. Alex pro­posed Luman Child a col­lab­o­ra­tion after lis­ten­ing to his music. Then they met and talked about music, their visions, their influ­ences, their method of work and decid­ed, straight away, to work togeth­er with­out know­ing each oth­er well and push­ing them out­side their com­fort zone. They are both very hap­py with the result 🙂

Alex Attias has been in the music for many years pro­duc­ing, remix­ing many great artists and djing all over the world. Recent­ly, Alex released a com­pi­la­tion on BBE Records (Alex Attias presents Lil­ly­Good Par­ty!). A cou­ple of remix­es are on the way and he’s also prepar­ing oth­er sin­gles for his label Visions. Luman Child released Time To Grow in 2017: his first solo album (a killer!) with the Ger­man label Sed Soul Records, still avail­able on a neo-soul hip-hop tip. He reached num­ber 11 in the UK soul charts. As a musi­cian and bass play­er, Luman Child had a few col­lab­o­ra­tions with Fer­ry Ultra, Gogo Music, and Marc Mac of 4Hero fame.

The project they present here is very organ­ic soul­ful and musi­cal. This sin­gle holds two killer tunes for the lis­ten­ers and the dancers. The A‑side is a 125 bpm dis­co jazz-funk killer jam with a live bassline, Fend­er Rhodes and vin­tage key­boards sound dri­ven by a very funky drum beat aimed to the dance­floor and good-time par­ty peo­ple keep­ing a smile on their face. It’s sim­ply groovy and goes on and on for 10 min­utes of pure dis­co plea­sure. The B‑side is a funky num­ber boo­gie jazz-funk inspired by Mr. Ayers vibes and sounds. The rhythm is groovy at 120 bpm and the Moog bassline is round and fat. With its both tracks stuffed with Fend­er Rhodes and dope key­boards sounds, this sin­gle will def­i­nite­ly find a place in DJ box­es for those who play and love soul­ful music with an open mind. Groovy, warm and soul­ful at its best.

Alex Attias seems to have found a soul mate in Luman Child AKA Pas­cal Strauss, a tal­ent­ed musi­cian whose rub­bery basslines and jammed-out elec­tric piano lines fea­ture promi­nent­ly on both “Cook­ie Mon­ster” and “What Do We Do”. While many will be drawn towards the eyes-closed soul cho­rus vocals and elas­tic deep house swing of the lat­ter, it’s the jaun­ty, par­ty-ready A‑side that’s arguably the strongest dance­floor work­out. Sim­i­lar in ethos to the Her­bie Han­cock­/­jazz-funk-influ­enced work of Dego and Kai­di Tatham’s 2000 Black project, the track is arguably one of the strongest of Atti­as’s long career.


Juno Records, 2018